Wednesday, February 8, 2017

How to write fast

Using the ideal writing instruments and optimizing the writing techniques are the best ways to ensure speedy writing. Ones who want to write faster must keep in mind the following:

Using the right pen
Using a good quality writing instrument is a vital pre requisite for increasing the writing speed. Cheap pens drag on paper creating more friction and resulting in decreased writing speed and increased wrist strain. The viscose ink used in these pens need more downward pressure to write properly making writing with them more stressful for the writer. Roller- ball pens and fountain pens are better for faster writing as compared to gel and ball pens since the outflow of ink from them is quicker and uninterrupted and also their chance of malfunctioning is lower than the latter too. Pens with a thinner tip are easier and faster to write with and are thus ideal for speeding up the writing process.

Thicker and firmer grip
When writing with a thin pen, our fingers are made to squeeze around its slim barrel creating unwanted strain on the fingers and wrist. This problem can be effectively solved by using a pen with a thick barrel or a padded grip. A thicker barrel provides the fingers with a firmer grip over the pen thereby reducing the amount of pressure that needs to be applied on it to write with the same. This also decreases the muscle strain on the fingers and wrists and makes the writing experience more comfortable and enjoyable for the writer.

 Smaller, skinnier and taller writing
Smaller the letters, faster is the writing.  The pen needs to travel a smaller distance to finish writing smaller letters as compared to the time taking larger ones. Hence, decreasing the width of the letters to a small yet legible size is an effective way to increase the speed of writing. Further, our hands are designed in such a way that are fingers can only bend up and down. This makes it easier for us to make an up down motion with our fingers than sideways. Because of this, taller and skinnier letters are easier and faster to write.

Sitting in the right posture
 It is important to sit in the right posture to make the writing faster. When one hunches on the desk while writing, additional weight gets added on the arms. This results in fatigue and makes the writing arm tire easily and faster. It is best to sit in the way that takes off the unreasonable pressure from the writing hand to ensure that one can write more tirelessly, quickly and comfortably.

Engaging the other arm

We generally tend to use the hand with which we are writing to complete secondary tasks like erasing a text we just wrote or flipping the page, etc. This not only disturbs our flow of writing but also makes it slow and more time consuming. However, this problem can be effectively dealt with if we learn to use our other hand for secondary tasks like erasing, using a highlighter and flipping the page, etc. Developing the skill of ambidexterity is the key to quick writing
Elkos pens offers high quality and durable pens. So if you are looking for the perfect writing instrument visit today